Links to FREE Online Films, Videos and Articles to WAKE UP AMERICA! Last update: 02/14/2025
* Banned video - Many videos are unavailable because the fascist thought police at Google/YouTube, along with Facebook, Twitter et al, have declared war on the First Amendment and deleted Alex Jones' and other patriots' channels and/or accounts. This is nothing new. It's happened throughout history. Rulers have always controlled people with censorship. “In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act." George Orwell |
“If a nation expects to be ignorant and free, in a state of civilization, it expects what never was and never will be.” Thomas Jefferson
OTHER WEBSITES: Music with a message against tyranny
Videos: Trial by jury is nearly non-existent in eugenics/”family” courts Video: Secret hearings - recording devices prohibited - Private Prison Industry: America's Corrupt Justice System: Federal Private Prison Populations Grew by 784% in 10 Year Span - Learn Your Rights - Family court crimes listed -
- Video: Monopoly: Who Owns the World? - a Documentary by Tim Gielen - Covid 19 Hoax - The Greatest Hoax / Fake News Story ever perpetrated against Mankind - to bring in globalism. Tyrants know as long as they can keep you afraid, they can control your minds and keep you enslaved. See Covid 19 Fraud - Federal Reserve - Federal Reserve set up in 1913 - control of money supply by private banks printing phony money out of thin air - Hidden taxation without representation: devaluation of the dollar by the private Fed banking cartel - Violates U.S. Constitution requirement for gold and silver currency, controlled by Congress - The dollar has lost 98% of it's value since the 1913 creation of the PRIVATE "Federal Reserve". This name was chosen to deceive the public. Video: Federal Reserve Banking Cartel - G. Edward Griffin - 2008 - (Intro starts at 9:40) - Read: The Creature from Jekyll Island, by G. Edward Griffin - Read: Dishonest Money, by Joseph Plummer - Video: It's A Wonderful Lie — 100 Years of the Federal Reserve - Watch 30 min. Film: The American Dream - explaining the Fed Video: Maryam Henein on the CORPORATION of the United States - includes history of globalist actions to enslave Americans post Civil War - IRS Fraud - Most Americans living & working in one of the 50 states are not required to pay income tax. In 1913, the 16th Amendment was questionably ratified. It appears by its wording to have expanded the income tax but did not and could not according to the U.S. Constitution and Supreme Court decisions on the 16th Amendment. Also in 1913, the Federal Reserve, which is neither federal nor a reserve, was set up. That both happened the same year was not by accident but by design to deceptively loot Americans of their wealth. From 1787 to 1913 inflation did not exist because money was hard currency - gold and silver of which there is a limited amount - as per the U.S. Constitution. Since 1913, the dollar has lost around 98% of it's purchasing power or value because of uncontrolled printing of dollars out of thin air. All income tax revenue goes to pay interest on the debt created when the Fed loans money to the U.S. Treasury which then prints paper money. Videos: Freedom Law School Rumble Channel:- Restore Freedom - Freedom Law School Video: SCOTUS Just Said STOP PAYING INCOME TAX? Hear What The Court Said - Dave Champion - Dec 2024 Video: Incredibly Revealing Interview: Why `Income Tax Doesn't Apply To You! - Dave Champion - Jan 2025 Rumble Channel - Dave Champion, PhD. - more videos about federal income tax Book: Income Tax: Shattering the Myths by Dave Champion - This is a MUST READ in order to understand who the intentionally confusing, convoluted IRS Code says is required to pay income tax. Documentary: Slave Nation (if this link does not work, try Freedom Law School's website) Watch Film: America: Freedom to Fascism by director Aaron Russo Video: The Truth Behind the Income Tax Website Explaining IRS Fraud: Former IRS Agent Exposes IRS Fraud!! - Joe Banister - Video:Former IRS Agent Sherry Peel Jackson - Breaking The Invisible Shackles Of The IRS Article: Why an Income Tax is Not Necessary to Fund the U.S. Government - Other Ways Economy is Being Destroyed - Artwork: The Stock Market Bubble - Trade agreements: NAFTA, GATT = loss of industry & jobs - 1999 Gramm–Leach–Bliley Act - repealed Glass–Steagall Act of 1933 - removed separation between investment and commercial banks - Comprehensive Annual Financial Reports reveal fraud by governments to squeeze more taxes from citizens despite revenue surpluses Video: "For The Record": How Congress Cashes In On The Stock Market * Banned video - Unchecked illegal immigration - loss of jobs, lowers standard of living in U.S. versus helping those countries affected by trade agreements
- Artwork: Voters Prison - The March of Tyranny - Artwork: Electoral Reform Act of 2016 - Robert David Steele - We have Election Theatre by the corrupt, 2-party ruling elite & corporate-controlled, press-titute media - We have Selections, or Auctions, not REAL democratic elections by and for The People - Supreme Ct. Buckley v. Valeo case - equated money with free speech, meaning those with more money can monopolize government, the press and campaigns - Supreme Ct. Citizens United case - allows unlimited corporate donations to candidates Article: This Just In: We Are Officially in a New Gilded Age - The ultra-rich are in control of our electoral process. Video: Election Fraud 2012: The Gov't Choosing Itself * Banned video Video: Rigged Elections = Stolen Elections Video: Fraction Magic - Detailed Vote Rigging Demonstration - Bev Harris - - Election fraud rampant - 2012 Iowa & Maine primaries latest examples - Presidential candidates are selected by the CFR - Council on Foreign Relations, not elected freely - Watch Film: Fall of the Republic Lord Obomba - Obama is a Manchurian Candidate, a New World Order puppet - Watch Film: Dreams from My Real Father by Joel Gilbert - Watch Video: The True Origins of Barack Obama with Director Joel Gilbert * Banned video - Watch Film: The Obama Deception - Videos: Obama Crimes Rally - Video: Philip J. Berg: Obama's Secret Past is Catching Up with Him * Banned video - 75 Times Obama Broke Law During Presidency - 900 Documented Examples of Obama’s Lawbreaking, Lying, Corruption, Cronyism, Hypocrisy & Waste - 40 Points That Prove That Barack Obama And Mitt Romney Are Essentially The Same Candidate - Mit Romney's Bailout Bonanza
Candidate Disqualifications 2016 Hillary Clinton: A Warmonger Guilty of Support for and Involvement in Democide = Death by Government The Violent Crimes and Shady Dealings of Hillary Clinton Video: Hillary's #1 aide Huma Abedin: Undeniable ties to terrorists & 9/11 funders (Watch before voting!) * Banned video Proof Foreign Governments Did Interfere In Election – to Help Hillary! Article: Democrats' Desperate Attacks On Trump Explained - A History 10/3/19
Whether you support Trump or not, this year was about exposing election fraud and restoring Constitutional elections to preserve the Republic. We need major reforms for elections: end mass mail-in ballots, end computer and all electronics in vote counting, use ranked count voting. But according to the current flawed system (private money), it is clear this election was stolen from Trump. Trump's major accomplishment was exposing fake news. A video below shows a long list of his accomplishments.
Unfortunately, Trump did some bad things and failed to do too many good things or things he promised. He failed to end the Afghanistan occupation and use troops to defend the Mexican border, or end the incentives bringing illegals here. He failed to investigate 9/11. He failed to audit the Federal Reserve. He failed to expose IRS fraud. He pushed 5G. He set a precedent for gun regulation by executive order with a Red Flag law - 1st take guns, due process later; and with a bump stock ban. He assassinated Iranian Gen. Soleimani; 2018 - fired 100 Tomahawk missiles into Syria w/o declaration of war. He failed to defend free speech when good people were censored or kicked off media platforms and failed to go to Gab when he was kicked off of Twitter. He failed to pardon peaceful politiical prisoners arrested at the U.S. Capitol on 1/6/21. Personnel is policy. His cabinet appointments were bad news: globalists or deep state swamp creatures. He appointed Gina Haspel, the torturer, to head the CIA. He normalized same sex marriage, thus promoted gender confusion even before taking office. He failed to pardon Julian Assange and Patriot whistle-blowers, but instead pardoned mostly white collar crony criminals.
Worst of all, he massively pushed the Covid death jabs, and thereby incentivized medical malpractice with billions to the States. His executive orders for lockdowns ruined lives, small businesses, the economy, and caused use of mail-in ballots that largely contributed to election fraud. He continues to brag about his Operation Warp Speed and push the untested, bio-weopon death jabs long after the dangers were known. He is thus guilty of crimes against humanity.. He prioritized and is a tool of big pharma, big business, and the globalists who want to depopulate the planet. He owns stock in Pfizer and Johnson and Johnson. He prioritized profits and economics over health and cultural matters, liberty and the U.S. Constitution. He is oblivious to Constitutional limits on the federal government. The Constitution delegates no power to the federal government on health issues.
Trump instigated medical martial law that devastated the economy See Interview: David Stockman: Trump's War on Capitalism
That said, Trump still seemed to be the lesser of the two evil choices in November 2020. Biden has dementia from brain damage. He's a Chinese communist agent who abused his power as vice president in threatening a Ukrainian official with withholding of funds unless the official fired the prosecutor investigating Biden's son Hunter. Biden bragged about this on video. He's implicated in involvement in money-making crimes with his son and brother. He is a presidential pretender and any of his orders as such will be null and void. We have NO LEGITIMATE president in the White House. As early as the confirmation hearing of Justice Clarence Thomas, Biden had demonstrated his contempt for Natural Law. And of course, Biden continued and worsened Trump's medical martial law and mass murder.
Like most presidents for decades, both Trump and Biden have acted as kings, issuing dictates, thus showing contempt for the Constitution.
Despite the good he did primarily exposing fake news, Trump basically canceled out all that good with the lockdowns and by incentivizing medical malpractice. He's just a cult of personality who cares little about following the oath of the presidency or even the health of humans. And now he is guilty of crimes against humanity along with Biden, Fauci and all the governors, et al, who went along with their COVID fraud. They all need to be tried in a Nuremberg 2.0. See: COVID 19 FRAUD below.
Video: Mathematician Reveals How 2020 Election Was Manipulated To Reverse Landside And Choose Loser Video: Read All of The Trump Administration's First Term Accomplishments - unfortunately, this is a hideously long video slowly showing the list Article & Artwork: Do You Think The Democrats Cheated? Video: How to Steal an Election - 1:15 Video: The Election Theft EXPLAINED In 4 Minutes Video: The Four Year Plan To Overthrow An Elected President - 5:27 Video: THE PLOT TO STEAL AMERICA - 22:10 Video: Mike Lindell: Absolute Proof: Exposing Election Fraud and the Theft of America Video: Exclusive Coverage: Historic Path to Victory Press Conference - Trump lawyers Rudy Giuliani, Sydney Powell and Jenna Ellis provide overview of 2020 election fraud Video: C-Span: Trump Campaign News Conference on Legal Challenges - Trump lawyers Rudy Giuliani, Sydney Powell and Jenna Ellis provide overview of 2020 election fraud Article & Video: How covid was used to rig the election... and watch out for the "dictator" narrative Article & Video: TRUMP BOMBSHELL: Dominion software deleted over 2.7 million votes nationwide, switched over 500,000 from Trump to Biden Video: Sidney Powell Interview With Maria Bartiromo Sunday Morning Futures 08, November 202 Video: Saturday Emergency Live Broadcast: Protest Erupt Nationwide After MSM Falsely Claims Biden Victory
STOP THE STEAL & MARCH TO CAPITOL 1/6/21 By building fences around Capitol Hill and several surrounding blocks of congressional buildings, the federal government is violating the First Amendment rights of Americans to peaceably ASSEMBLE and to SPEAK out against government corruption. They PRETEND millions of Americans are dangerous insurrectionists. The INSULT of fencing off protestors on 1-6-21 from the West Lawn is what spurred them on to knock down those fences and contributed to the violence. It poured salt on the wound of the election fraud. The federal courts and the Congress failed to DO THEIR DUTY to hear the massive amount of evidence of blatant election fraud. Now Democrats want to silence and punish, or send to "re-education" "camps" anyone who disputes legitimacy of the election. We need to just start calling democrats and/or fake liberals totalitarians. That’s what they are. Video: Epoch Times Film: The Real Story of January 6 | Documentary Video: Robert Barnes: The Entire Impeachment Proceeding Is A Joke, Not A Real Trial Video: Trump’s Speech 1/6/21 before around 1 million Americans in DC to protest election fraud Video: EXCLUSIVE: Proof Trump Did Not Incite The Capitol Riot Video: Feds Admit Capitol “Siege” Was Planned in Advance by Trump Haters, Not Trump Supporters Article: When protestors took over federal buildings: a little thing called history - by Jon Rappoport Video: Here are six videos of Democrats calling for violence or physical confrontations that are still active on Twitter 1-11-21 Washington Examiner I shot the next 3 videos that will give you a good feel for what it was like on Wed. 1-6-21 on the Mall in the District of Criminals. It's certainly the biggest crowd I've ever seen and truly inspired my hope that we will restore this Republic. To spend hours with such massive numbers of patriotic, peaceful Americans, and be part of taking back the grounds of OUR Capitol, was the most awesome experience of my life. I don't condone the breaking in of the Capitol itself. I was there hoping our numbers peaceably, but loudly surrounding the building would suffice. But the message was clear: Americans are mad is hell at the election fraud and tyranny and we're not going to take it anymore. God Bless America!!! Video: STOP THE STEAL DC 1/6/21 - PT 1 - Wash. Monument & March to Capitol Video: STOP THE STEAL - PT 2 - U.S. CAPITOL: West Lawn, South & East sides Video: STOP THE STEAL - PT 3 - U.S. CAPITOL - AREA CLOSED!!! Video: AMERICANS LOCKED OUT OF CAPITOL AREA
BIDEN - THE FAKE PRESIDENT - as of 1/29/21 Biden has signed 42 executive orders Video: FLASHBACK: Biden Said ‘You Can’t Legislate By Executive Order Unless You’re A Dictator - Steve Watson 1-27-21
We don’t have real elections. It’s all political theater. There's strictly limited ballot access. There's no real debates on the issues. Candidates must support the military corporation complex to be allowed in the process. D.C., the District of Criminals, is basically occupied territory. Every POTUS is a tool of globalists. Elections are controlled by private money, electronics and voter fraud. Campaign contributions are actually bribes and payoffs. Elon Musk is currently purchasing Trump with a contribution of $75 million. Every four years we’re fooled by some personality telling us what we want to hear. Trump did some good things, but in March 2020, he turned into a mass murderer instigating bio warfare against humanity. Until we have zero private money involvement, zero electronics, hand counted paper ballots, very limited mail in ballots and same day elections, we’ll keep getting unprincipled scumbags acting as dictators, oblivious to constitutional limits of the federal government running this country.
CANDIDATE DISQUALIFICATIONS - Joe Biden - He's guilty of crimes against humanity for continuing the COVID 19 fraud, a war criminal for prosecuting / funding an illegal war in Ukraine, a traitor for not stopping the illegal invasion of the U.S. Southern Border; an oath violator for the above and acting as a dictator issuing numerous executive orders that violate the U.S. Constitution. - Chris Christie - Zionist/Imperialist - Ron DeSantis - Zionist/Imperialist; a limited hangout who only partially rejected COVID lock down mandates; signed FL law, in Israel, criminalizing criticism of Jews and/or Israel = anti-1st Amendment - Nikki (Nukey) Haley- Zionist/Imperialist; warmonger; WEF associated; As S.C. Governor, signed law banning the Confederate flag - Vivek Ramaswamy - Zionist/Imperialist, pharmaceutical (pharmakia/scorcery) billionaire - RFK, Jr. - Zionist/Imperialist because he supports Israel while claiming to be a peace candidate. Gerald Celente had been a big supporter but ended his support and got his money back when RFK, Jr. showed his support of Israel's genocide of its "neighbors". He’s okay with big government: instead of getting rid of unconstitutional agencies, he wants to "restore" them to their "proper" role, not follow the 10th Amendment by letting the states do that for which the federal govt. has no authority. This means He goes against his civil liberty statement "..nor hold our own officials above the law." He’s a true believer in the climate macguffin, lock down for climate, and said at one point he'd jail dissenters. Despite interviewing Dain Wigington of, RFK, Jr.'s website says nothing about THAT elephant in the sky. Despite his book on Fauci, he’s not anti vaccine. He said he’d sign an assault weapons ban. He’s pro abortion "rights" to end unwanted pregnancies. Does he believe the federal govt.has a role in that as well, a state issue?
- Donald Trump - Zionist/Imperialist; He’s a globalist who praised the WEF/Claus Schwab; killed millions worldwide with the unconstitutional COVID 19 fraud: Warp Speed bio weapon and lock downs that killed the U.S. economy; oath violator who tramples the U.S. Constitution and Rights of Americans, acting as a dictator. - Reasons Not to Support Trump
- Kamala Harris - Zionist/Imperialist; as VP with Biden, supported and promoted Trump's death jabs, killing and/or maiming millions worldwide with the unconstitutional COVID 19 fraud: Warp Speed bio weapon and lock downs that killed the U.S. economy; oath violator who tramples the U.S. Constitution and Rights of Americans, conspiring with dictator Biden. - Reasons Not to Support Harris
- COVID 19 FRAUD - The Hype is the Hoax. This is COLOR OF LAW FRAUD - FELONIES committed by our public servants. It's a psychological operation to make you an obedient slave who'll beg for a vaccine in order to resume your life. But the "vaccine" is really a DNA altering experiment and all of humanity who submit to it are the lab rats. (For links exposing harm from vaccines, See Vaccines)
COVID 19 = WORLD WAR III - THE WAR AGAINST HUMANITY - THE PEOPLE ARE FIGHTING BACK Film: Plandemic 3: The Great Awakening (Full, Unedited Movie) Video: Joe Rogan Interviews Robert F. Kennedy Jr. (The Complete, Unedited Interview - Episode #1999) (2023) Articles & Videos: STOP WORLD CONTROL - Humanity's leading voices in the fields of science, healthcare, law and journalism are speaking out. Listen to these heroes of humanity, who risk everything to inform you about what is truly happening in the world today. Film: The Pushback | Oracle Films | The Day the World Stood Together #DareToThink a Documentary of Worldwide Non-complaince to the COVID Hoax Plan for Action: Worldwide Walkouts - RFK, Jr. & Childrens Health Defense
INDEX TO VIDEOS & ARTICLES ON COVID 19 COVID 19 Hoax & Medical Tyranny Exposed Crimes Against Humanity Demands Nuremberg 2.0 Defending Against Forced Inoculation Enhancing Your Immune System & Natural Treatments Know Your Rights Or You Have No Rights Shedding by "Vaxxers" to Non-"Vaxxed" The "Vaccine" That's Not a Vaccine & Adverse Effects
MUSIC If You Don't Know History / The Viruses LYRICS If You Don't Know History / The Viruses
IF YOU WANT TO KNOW THE TRUTH ABOUT COVID 19, FOLLOW INDEPENDENT NEWS Get REAL news at: Jon Rappoport's website Dr. Joseph Mercola's website RFK Jr's Children's Health Defense
YOU WILL LEARN SUCH FACTS AS: 1) COVID 19 IS NO MORE DEADLY THAN THE TYPICAL FLU. It has a 99% plus survival rate. Old people and those with weakened immune systems die from the flu every year. This is nothing new, except now the media is reporting new case statistics (based on flawed tests) and/or fraudulent death statistics 24/7 to brainwash you into believing you need to fear Covid 19. And they won't tell you about 5g enhancement of cases in Wuhan or New York City. 2) THE PCR TEST CANNOT ACCURATELY TEST FOR COVID 19 - according to the Doctor who invented the test. 3) YOU CAN FALSELY TEST POSITIVE FOR COVID 19 - if you've had a cold or the flu in recent years, and be put on a list of persons to be monitored and tracked. This is called contact tracing - a FALSE excuse to track your every move, your interaction with others and to quarantine you based on a flawed test. Since it is not a reliable test, but can be used to enter your DNA into a government data base, it should not be taken. 4) HOSPITALS HAVE BEEN FINANCIALLY INCENTIVIZED TO REPORT COVID CASES. They get paid 10s of $1000s for each case they report and 10s of $1000s more for each person they put on a ventilator. 5) THE VENTILATORS ARE KILLING PEOPLE!!! 80% of persons put on a ventilator DIE. 6) DEATH CERTIFICATES ARE FALSELY REPORTING COVID 19 AS CAUSE OF DEATH - regardless of the actual cause. 7) THE ESTIMATED DEATH TOLL WAS 20 TIMES GREATER THAN THE REPORTED DEATHS - even with the fake statistics reported daily. The computer model that initially caused the fear about a supposed pandemic was flawed. It used an outdated Fortran code.
CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY DEMANDS NUREMBERG 2.0 Death Statistics - See: Open VAERS VAERS is the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System put in place in 1990. It is a voluntary reporting system that has been estimated to account for only 1% (read more about underreporting in VAERS) of vaccine injuries. OpenVAERS is built from the HHS data available for download at 37,966 COVID Vaccine Reported Deaths Realize these numbers may be as low as 1%. The vast majority of adverse events are not reported. Film - Science for Hire - A Gary Null Production Article: Will These People Be Charged With Genocide? 16 Defendants Named, Nuremberg Trials 2.0 Coming Soon?- - “In a stunning 46-page legal filingto the International Criminal Court on December 6 [2021], an intrepid attorney and seven applicants accused Anthony Fauci, Peter Daszak, Melinda Gates, William Gates III, and twelve others of numerous violations of the Nuremberg Code. These included various crimes against humanity and war crimes as defined by the Rome Statutes, Articles 6, 7,8, 15, 21, and 53.” Video: Common Law Being Enforced To Launch Investigation Into Crimes Against Humanity Video: RFK: How Fauci Wields Power to Serve Big Pharma’s Interests Video: Joe Rogan Interviews Robert F. Kennedy Jr. (The Complete, Unedited Interview - Episode #1999) Articles & Videos: STOP WORLD CONTROL - Humanity's leading voices in the fields of science, healthcare, law and journalism are speaking out. Listen to these heroes of humanity, who risk everything to inform you about what is truly happening in the world today. Article & Video: ‘Our Country Is Under Attack’: RFK, Jr. Speaks on CIA and Totalitarianism Dr. Richard Flemming presents a detailed, scientific power point explanation of the COVID 19 FRAUD, and why SARS-COV-2 AND the C19 Injections are BIO-WEAPONS. He then reviews what happened in the trials for crimes against humanity at Nuremberg after WWII, and shows why those who promote, order or administer the COVID19 frankenshot injections can and will be held accountable for crimes against humanity. (Dr. Richard Flemming presentation begins at 85:30) Video: Dr. Francis Boyle: 'Bioweapon' mRNA Vaccines Violate Nuremburg Ruling Against Nazi Cruelty Video: Dr. Francis Boyle Full Interview: Coronavirus Is An Offensive Bioweapon Video: Harvard, UNC, Fauci, NIH, WHO, B&M Gates Foundation guilty of #COVID19 | Prof Francis Boyle, JD, PhD Video: INTERVIEW Bioweapon Kill Shot is Global WAR Against Common People Dr. Lee Merritt,, on why this is not a vaccine, shedding issues, legal challenges, Why are we ignoring adverse effects from cardiopulmonary to tumors, paralysis and others, and continuing at Warp Speed? Video: Dr. Sherri Tenpenny: MDs Agree the Covid Vaccine is a Bioweapon Article & Videos: Former Pfizer VP Blows Lid on Vaccine Scheme: “Entirely Possible This Will Be Used For Massive-Scale Depopulation Video: FULL INTERVIEW: Doctor Warns The World About Deadly COVID Vaccines Video: NUREMBERG 2.0 Video: THE TEN STAGES OF GENOCIDE
THE COVID 19 FRAUD SERVES MANY PURPOSES OF THE GLOBALISTS WHO WANT TO END THIS NATION: 1) IT'S A GALACTIC SIZE DISTRACTION FROM THE MORE IMPORTANT ISSUES CITED AT THE TOP OF THIS WEBSITE: Illegal Wars; Court Corruption; The Infowar = Fake News Mind Control; Geoengineering / Weather engineering / Weather Warfare, 5G, The Federal Reserve, IRS Fraud, etc. These are the most important issues of our times. Fake News' job is to DIVERT AND DISTRACT your attention. 2) THE ANCIENT TECHNIQUE OF DIVIDE AND CONQUER TO GET AMERICANS FIGHTING AGAINST EACH OTHER: Maskers vs. Anti-Maskers, Vaxxers vs. Anti-Vaxxers - along with the current racial tensions: Blacks vs. Whites funded by the likes of George Soros. 3) A CASHLESS SOCIETY / SURVEILLANCE SYSTEM: They will allege cash is dirty and spreads germs. A cashless society ensures the end of privacy under the Fourth Amendment and a total surveillance system to monitor our every move. 4) GLOBAL GOVERNMENT - An end to the firewall of nation states to secure for the globalists a world run by giant corporations, and an end to individual and state sovereignty. They are opposed to God-given individual RIGHTS which are the heart of our constitutional system. 5) MEDICAL TYRANNY / FORCED INOCULATIONS = PROFITS FOR BIG PHARMA & THEIR OWNERSHIP OF YOU. They view YOU as their property. Big Pharma pretty much own the Congress. They're huge contributors to its members. They also pretty much own corporate media which is why you see so many advertisements for their DRUGS on Fake News channels. They are immune from lawsuits if their "vaccines" injure you. 6) OBSOLETE HUMANITY / WE'RE TOLD WE'RE NON-ESSENTIAL - They've wrecked the economy, put people under house arrest depriving them of their GOD-GIVEN RIGHTS as per the DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE: LIFE, LIBERTY AND THE PURSUIT OF HAPINESS, and as laid out in the BILL OF RIGHTS. The globalists who run this planet want to depopulate it. They need you to OBEY all their dictates. They need you dependent on THE STATE with UBI - Universal Basic Income to better control you. If you don't OBEY, you'll be cut off from purchasing what you need. This is the mark of the beast as spelled out in the Book of Revelation. 7) GLOBAL DEPOPULATION According to John Moore, Planet X passing nearby will upset / wobble Earth causing global deluge by the oceans. Globalists want to eliminate most of humanity before that happens to minimize the pandemonium when people learn about this. Article & Videos How?: Former Pfizer VP Blows Lid on Vaccine Scheme: “Entirely Possible This Will Be Used For Massive-Scale Depopulation Video: THE TEN STAGES OF GENOCIDE Chart: Death by Governments - Democide 1900 - 2000 Article: Now we come to vaccines and depopulation experiments - Jon Rappoport 9/16/14 Video: Alex Jones breaks down the depopulation agenda being pushed by elitists bent on using bioweapons to subvert the population. Rockefeller Foundation Admits Covid-19 Global Depopulation Weapon - 5/1/20 MORE VIDEOS - GO TO: and SEARCH: "Rockefeller" Film: Endgame: Blueprint for Global Enslavement - Watch to understand the big picture of the New World Order / globalist plan for humanity 8) ELECTION FRAUD - The Lockdown provided false justification for widespread use of mail-in ballots, which enabled massive voter fraud.
Video: Brilliant Speech Against Mandates!
Dr. Francis Boyle's Letter to provide anyone attempting to implement forced vaccinations. Dr. Boyle is author of the U.S. Bioweapons Law:
NOTICE: By authority of the Nuremberg Code on Medical Experimentation, I do exercise my right to refuse to submit to or to administer the COVID-19 vaccine. The United States Government has prosecuted, convicted and executed Medical Doctors who have violated the Nuremberg Code on Medical Experimentation. Aiders and abettors of Nuremberg Crimes are equally guilty and have also been prosecuted, convicted, and executed.
For military personnel: You have the right under the UCMJ to refuse to obey an unlawful order. Forced medical experimention inoculations violate international law under the Nuremberg Code. See Chapter 4, Protesting Power, by Dr. Francis Boyle
Video: Learn How to Fight Mandatory Injections from Constitutional Attorney Robert Barnes Get and read the actual vaccine policy of the company or agency.
Form for Employees Whose Employers Are Requiring Covid-19 Injections Form for Students Attending Colleges or Universities Requiring Covid-19 Injections
"When the People fear the government, there is tyranny. When the government fears the People, there is liberty." Thomas Jefferson
"Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety." Benjamin Franklin
THE QUESTION IS: Will you, like the "good Germans" who sheepishly followed the insanity of Adolf Hitler, be an obedient slave who follows ANY unconstitutional DICTATE ("WEAR A MASK") of your governor, local government or even the President of the U.S.? Will you, like the German war criminals at the Nuremberg Trials after WWII, claim "WE WERE JUST FOLLOWING ORDERS" in defense of their war crimes?
THINK FOR YOUSELF. STOP WATCHING CORPORATE CONTROLLED, FASCIST FAKE NEWS: ABC, CBS, CNN, NBC, NPR, FOX and MSNBC. They spin or mix truth with poison or lie by countless omissions. Break out of their MATRIX of EVIL. TAKE CONTROL OF WHAT YOU SEE. Turn off the press-titutes that BIND YOU. Because ONLY TRUTH CAN SET YOU FREE!!!
READ: SAVING THE CONSTITUTION, by Richard Proctor, PhD. so you won't get fooled again. This is an easy to understand explanation of the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights and how our federal and state governments trample on the Constitution and violate our rights.
YOUR RIGHTS ARE YOUR PROPERTY!!! The government has no more right to tell you to stay home than a stranger has to walk up to you and demand you give him your car keys.
SEE: The Unconstitutional Violations Regarding the COVID 19 Lockdown of the People and Economy
TRUST YOUR GOD-GIVEN DEFENSE SYSTEM AGAINST DISEASE, NOT BIG PHARMA. TO ENHANCE YOUR IMMUNE SYSTEM: 1) IMPORTANT SUPPLEMENTS: TAKE PLENTY OF VITAMINS D3 and C; ZINC and QUERCETIN to help absorption of zinc, SELENIUM, NAC, GLUTATHIONE, EDTA; Refer to Dr. Ardis' videos and others below for dosages for treating specific symptoms. 2) STOP FEARING. FEAR CAUSES STRESS WHICH WEAKENS YOUR IMMUNE SYSTEM. 3) GET PLENTY OF EXERCISE AND SUNSHINE (Natural Vitamin D). 4) STOP WEARING A MASK - It inhibits oxygen intake and causes you to re-inhale CO2. It's a dirty face diaper, a petri dish that breeds bacteria that you wear on your face!!! Even the N95 mask cannot stop a COVID 19 virus. And cloth face coverings are a useless joke. 5) CLAIM YOUR HEALTH CONDITION to be excluded from wearing a face covering. If you are a HUMAN who needs to BREATHE FREELY, as WE ALL ARE, YOU HAVE A HEALTH CONDITION!!!. Stop bowing to the INSANITY!!! When you wear a mask, you are simply virtue signaling that you are an obedient slave who will sheepishly follow any unconstitutional order. See videos below explaining the harm in wearing face masks.
NATURAL TREATMENTS - LINKS - Why did Fauci wait until Fall 2020 to tell people about the importance of Vitamins C and D, but failed to mention zinc and quercitin? NOTICE: I believe you have to be your own doctor these days, when most doctors have proven to be subservient to big pharma. Do your own research with an open mind. You have to try any health advice yourself according to who you deem to be trustworthy. Absolute remedy for the bio-weapons called COVID 19 and/or the experimental jabs falsely called "vaccines" are developing as below good doctors learn more and more. Video: Dr. Bryan Ardis - The Antidote: The Explosive Truth, Origin, and Antidote for C19 (9/11/2023) (2 1/2 hours) STUDY CAREFULLY!!! Amazing Seminar: Healing For The A.G.E.S (September 2023) Access 20 Hours of videos & 969 pages of downloadable Power Point pdf docs. If you are suffering from symptoms of the biological war on humanity: COVID, Long COVID, the poison COVID jabs, 5G & other EMFs, chemtrails, impure water, GMOs, etc., and want to get ready for whatever the next bio weapon assault will be, get to know these 4 natural health healers: Dr. Bryan Ardis, Dr. Henry Ealy, Dr. Ed Group & Dr. Jana Schmidt; As of 12/7/23 Use Promo Code: DIAMOND for a 50% Discount = $99 Video: Dr. Bryan Ardis - " Attack on Humanity:You are Being Deceived." July 2023 - "We're seeing miraculous results" with Nicotine. Dr. Ardis recommends: 1) Nicotine patches or gum to prevent and release venoms (spike proteins) 2-3 mg / day - best brands: #1 Rugby #2 Lucy - order from Amazon; 2) EDTA -1000 mg/day; 3) - 35% food grade hydrogen peroxide - 3 to 10 drops in 6 to 8 oz distilled water or reverse osmosis water - 1/day, on 3 days/wk, eg., M, W, F - drink in morning 1 hour before anything else; 4) Apple pectin powder - 1500 mg capsule / day, Or - Bentonite clay - food grade - 1/8 tspn in 6 to 8 oz water - distilled is best - every day Video: Dr. Ardis Show - Nicotine vs. Covid19 - Understanding The Weapon & The Target (Early 2023) - Link at The Doctor Ardis Show - website Video: Dr. Ardis Show - Nicotine vs. Covid19 - Understanding The Weapon & The Target! - Dr. Bryan Ardis discusses studies of nicotine as a possible cure for dementia and other nervous system disorders. He asserts that the various organs damaged by COVID, the COVID jab and long COVID are due to the spike proteins (venoms) attaching to receptors on nerve cells associated with those organs, and that nicotine dislodges and displaces the spike proteins (nicotine is 30 times favored by the receptors), restoring proper function of the nerve cells and thus the organs they control, eg., the brain, lungs, senses of smell, taste, hearing, etc. Smokers were not as badly damaged by the spike proteins. But you don’t have to smoke to get nicotine, eg., you can use nicotine patches or gum. As Dr. Ardis discussed in the Absolute Healing video series, you need to take supplements to bind with and help eliminate the spike proteins that are dislodged from the nicotine receptors on cells, including: Vitamin C, liposomal or natural, Glutathione, Mucuna Pruriens, Licorice Root extract and EDTA. Video: Dr Peter McCullough lecture on the State of COVID treatment (recorded 8/20/21) Video: INTERVIEW: “Pandemic Blunder” Author: Joel Hirschhorn, author “Pandemic Blunder” — the intense effort to keep people from getting safe, effective, affordable healthcare from the beginning of the pandemic Video: Hasidic Jewish Doctor: COVID Medical Tyranny is Genocide Against the Innocent - Dr. Vladimir Zelenko proved there are safe alternatives to the frankenshot so-called "vaccine" for COVID-19 Website: Americas Frontline Doctors Website: Stop COVID Cold is a coalition of experts and organizations dedicated to stopping COVID-19 and promoting the benefits of vitamin D Article: How Nebulized Hydrogen Peroxide Helps Against Respiratory Infections - Dr. Joseph Mercola Audio: How Nebulized Hydrogen Peroxide Helps Against Respiratory Infections - Dr. Joseph Mercola Webpage instructions: How Nebulized Hydrogen Peroxide Helps Against Respiratory Infections - Dr. Joseph Mercola Video: How To Beat Coronavirus With Nutrition: Dr. Fatakhov Video: Intravenous Vitamin C Therapy, Interview With Dr. Thomas E. Levy
SHEDDING BY THOSE WHO GOT THE SHOT - making them contagious spreaders of the nano mRNA particles Video: Dr. Bryan Ardis - The Antidote: The Explosive Truth, Origin, and Antidote for C19 (9/11/2023) (2 1/2 hours) Shedding explained - last 5 min. Video: Doctor Explains How Viral Shedding Occurs Through Fecal Transmission Article: COVID: Vaccinated people shedding and spreading genetic disaster to unvaccinated women? by Jon Rappoport Video: Vaccine Shedding Causing Miscarriages and Blood Clots in Unvaccinated Females Video: Evidence of Self Spreading Vaccines Being Used For Depopulation
MASKS: Video: Masks are useless for stopping virus (See demonstration at 2:30) Video: Private School Founder Fights Children Mask Mandates and Their Harmful Effects Article & Study: Stanford study quietly published at proves face masks are absolutely worthless against Covid - Conclusion: Video: THE MASK REBELLION: Maskless Grocery Store Owner Calls for Businesses to Unite Live with Alex Jones - Alfie Oaks of Oakes Farms Seed to Table owns 3 grocery stores in Naples, FL. He never has required his 2000 employees or customers to wear a face mask. He knows it's all a hoax and that FEAR is the virus. Video: The Masked Hypocrisy Of Anthony Fauci
Video: The Truth Behind The Mask - The mask as an initiation ritual causing you to lose your idividual identity Video: Masks As SPREADERS of Disease - David Knight Video: The Truth About Face Masks - David Knight Article: Dear humans: face masks don't work; the study-review was published by your very own CDC - Jon Rappoport Article: Does wearing a mask cause diagnostic tests to read false-positive for COVID? - By Jon Rappoport Article & Video: Landmark Study Finds Masks Are Ineffective Article: Portuguese Court Rules PCR Tests As Unreliable & Unlawful To Quarantine People Video: America's Frontline Doctors: White Coat Summit II - SCOTUS Press Conference - Doctors speak out against masks, lockdowns and the lies of fake news and doctors who support the Covid fraud. Video: COVID TESTING FRAUD EXPLAINED: INTERVIEW Andrew Kaufman, MD - Real Virus or Computer Model? Video: MUST WATCH: A microscopic view of the spikes on the swab compared to a smooth cotton swab Section starts at 1:07:50 “The use of the non-specific PCR test, which produces many false positives, showed an exponential picture. This test was rushed through with an emergency procedure and was never seriously self-tested. The creator expressly warned that this test was intended for research and not for diagnostics.” Article: The whole scam just fell apart: COVID test, overwhelming number of false positives by Jon Rappoport 9/1/20 Article & Video: The Great PCR Scandal, Tricked Into Lockdown? German Lawyers Initiate Class-Action Coronavirus Litigation Video: How Everyone Will Test Positive For COVID-19
THE "VACCINE" THAT'S NOT A VACCINE & ADVERSE EFFECTS: The so-called "vaccine" for the alleged Covid 19 virus is an experimental, untested DNA altering mRNA gene therapy drug. It is hacking your God-given immune system making you a GMO (genetically modified organism). Experimenting on humans was outlawed by the Nuremberg Code following the experiments carried out by Nazi scientists during WWII. Website: INJURIES & DEATHS ARE REAL - REPORT THEM HERE: REAL NOT RARE Video: INTERVIEW: Orthopedic Surgeon, Vaccine Injured, Has a NEW Mission in Life Video: The Great Covid Jab Side Effect Cover-Up Video: INTERVIEW Bioweapon Kill Shot is Global WAR Against Common People Dr. Lee Merritt,, on why this is not a vaccine, shedding issues, legal challenges, Why are we ignoring adverse effects from cardiopulmonary to tumors, paralysis and others, and continuing at Warp Speed? Video: Dr. Sherri Tenpenny: MDs Agree the Covid Vaccine is a Bioweapon Video: FULL INTERVIEW: Doctor Warns The World About Deadly COVID Vaccines Video: Will The COVID Vaccines Complete The Zombification Of America? Article & Videos: Former Pfizer VP Blows Lid on Vaccine Scheme: “Entirely Possible This Will Be Used For Massive-Scale Depopulation Video: COVID Vaccines Are Illegal Bioweapon Says Author of Bioweapons Law Article & Videos: COVID-19 mRNA Shots Are Legally Not Vaccines Video: Dr. Simone Gold's Speech exposing COVID 19 & Vaccine Fraud Video: Dr. Francis Boyle: 'Bioweapon' mRNA Vaccines Violate Nuremburg Ruling Against Nazi Cruelty Video: Top Medical Inventor: COVID mRNA “Vaccine” Not A Vaccine Article & podcast: mRNA vaccines are a bio-nano operating system installed in your body - Mike Adams Article: Report: COVID vaccine adverse effects, huge numbers by Jon Rappoport Article: Miami Doctor Dead in 16 Days, Urgent COVID Vaccine Warning Video: Hank Aaron Dies After Taking Covid-19 Vaccine Adding To Massive Inoculation Death Toll Article: 23 Dead In Norway After Taking COVID Vaccine
COVID 19 HOAX & MEDICAL TYRANNY EXPOSED Video: RFK: How Fauci Wields Power to Serve Big Pharma’s Interests Video: Credibility In Shreds: CDC's Shocking Admission On Covid Deaths Video: Mattias Desmet on Our Grave Situation - Mass Formation Psychosis explained Video: COVID VAX Injury Videos Banned From Web MUST WATCH FILM: COVIDLAND: The Lockdown Learn how the people were and are being duped by the fascists and their "great reset", who rule this planet and their minions in corporate-controlled fake news media, how states, hospitals and medical staff were, and are still, incentivized by billions $$$$$$$ in federal funding to commit medical malpractice. But they were, like the "good" Germans under Hitler, Under Color of Law, Just Following Orders. Because Americans don't know history and don't know their rights. Therefore, they don't know when their rights are being violated. They don't understand that this nation was founded on the principle of individual freedom and classical liberalism. They do not understand what it means to be an American - that the individual is the sovereign in this land. Instead, they are authoritarians. Definition: authoritarian - Characterized by or favoring absolute obedience to authority, as against individual freedom. Video: Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. warns America: "We all need to resist" vaccine tyranny... the time has come! Video:Dr. Peter Breggin Warns the World: COVID-19 Vaccines are a Bioweapon Video: Powerful Interview! Dr. Judy Mikovits Exposes Fauci's Cancer Causing Injections Video: Fox News Whistleblower: My Boss Told Me 'Do Not Report Deaths After Vaccination' Video: Gareth Icke Speech At London Freedom Rally - July 24th 2021 Video: David Icke Speech At London Freedom Rally - July 24th 2021 MUST WATCH Video: The Pushback | Oracle Films | The Day the World Stood Together #DareToThink a Documentary of Worldwide Non-complaince to the COVID Hoax and Expose of the FRAUD Video: NUREMBERG 2.0 Video: THE TEN STAGES OF GENOCIDE Article & Videos: Who Is Bill Gates? Article: Meet the Medical CIA - by Jon Rappoport Article: Dr. Andrew Kaufman refutes "isolation" of SARS-Cov-2; he does step-by-step analysis of a typical claim of isolation; there is no proof that the virus exists - by Jon Rappoport Article: Fauci, smoking gun evidence, pandemic fraud; memo to Ohio Congressman Jim Jordan - by Jon Rappoport Video: EXCLUSIVE: David Icke Issues Emergency Warning to Humanity David Icke of joins The Alex Jones Show to issue an emergency warning to humanity about the dangers of submitting to medical tyranny. Video: Emergency Saturday Broadcast! World Shocked By SPARS 2025-2028 Document Video: New Discoveries Revealed in SPARS 2025-2028 Depopulation Document Video: Censored Documentary "Planet Lockdown" - Catherine Austin Fitts describes in detail what is happening with the lock downs, how the nano tech “vaccines” will reprogram your body to enslave you with that mark of the beast, trans-humanism and more Video: Watch: CDC Death Numbers Expose Covid Hoax Video: MUST SEE: CDC Admits Massive Number Of Old People Dying After Taking COVID Vaccines Article: The Five Key Events in the Fake Pandemic by Jon Rappoport Article & Video: The Greatest Hoax Ever Perpetuated on an Unsuspecting Public Article: Lockdowns are based on fraud: open letter to people who want freedom by Jon Rappoport Article: The death and illness due to lockdowns is exponentially higher than deaths due to Covid-19 America's Frontline Doctors Video: David Icke Exposes the Great Reset Video: Kansas Lawyer Takes on the Political Virus Video: Interview: Whistleblower Nurse at NYC “Epicenter” on Fraud She Recorded Article & Video: Former Pfizer Science Officer Reveals Great COVID-19 Scam Video: Top Canadian Pathologist On COVID: 'Greatest Hoax Ever Perpetrated' Video: Globalists Using Covid to Rollout Total Medical Tyranny Video: Research shows deliberate chinese propaganda campaign forced world into lockdown Article & Video: Coronavirus Fraud Scandal — The Biggest Fight Has Just Begun Video: We Can Not Fail! David Icke Trafalgar Square | September 26, 2020 Video: David Icke Responds to Fascist Police Attack Video: MD Doctor Who First Exposed Vaccine Dangers Drops Bombshell After Bombshell, MUST WATCH! Video: David Martin Exposes Moderna Patent Fraud & CDC’s New Multi-Pathogen Test Kit Video: BOMBSHELL: Expert Exposes Fauci’s CRIMINAL Violations - Dr. David Martin Video: The Truth Behind The COVID Pandemic & Trump's 'Operation Warp Speed' Video: Learn the History Behind the Build-Up to the Covid Lockdown Takeover - Jon Rappoport Article & Video: Big Tech commits MEDICAL TREASON by censoring doctors’ video revealing covid-19 CURE being suppressed by Big Pharma / Big Science fraudsters Video: Studies Show 5G Turbo Charges Coronavirus Video: AMERICAN COUNTDOWN: PANDEMIC MORE PANIC THAN PLAGUE Are broad sweeping lockdowns constitutional? Robert Barnes, renowned constitutional lawyer, on the unprecedented media and government hyped response to COVID 19. Video: SHOCKING! Historian Exposes Bill Gates' Ties To NAZIs And More Video: COVID Lie Heard Round the World: Italy, UK, Germany, US Doctors Speak Out Video: German Forensic Professor Calls Out COVID Lies on TV Video: COVID Gains Function (But Only in FakeNews Reports) Video: Dr. Francis Boyle Full Interview: Coronavirus Is An Offensive Bioweapon Video: Harvard, UNC, Fauci, NIH, WHO, B&M Gates Foundation guilty of #COVID19 | Prof Francis Boyle, JD, PhD Video: YouTube CENSORED: DOCTORS IN BLACK / PlanDemic Video: Big Tech, And The Big Lie of COVID-19 Exposed Video: Fauci & CDC’s Trail of Lies & Vaccine Injuries Video: V FOR VENDETTA: The Corona-virus END GAME Video: David Icke's Explosive Interview With London Real - The Video That Youtube Doesn't Want You To See - Discusses harmful health effects and links between COVID 19, 5G, Bill Gates, vaccines, eugenics, depopulation agenda of globalist rulers Video: David Icke Emergency Broadcast: We Are At The Crossroads - Exposes the NWO agenda with hoax of COVID 19 Film: Endgame: Blueprint for Global Enslavement - Watch to understand the big picture of the New World Order / globalist plan for humanity
Video: Official "Glass Walls" Video by Paul McCartney - exposing animal agriculture harm to animals and the Earth Graphic: Impact of Our Consumption - Shows numbers changing while on page - Food Contamination - Battle for humanity nearly lost: global food supply deliberately engineered to end life, not nourish it - Nuclear contamination: Fukushima is hundreds of times worse than Chernobyl Video: This Is How You Actually Survive a Nuclear Attack Video: The Coming Fukushima Global Disaster with Dr. Christopher Busby * Banned video Article: Fukushima now in state of emergency, leaking 300 tons of radioactive water into the ocean daily Video: Fukushima Threatens The Continuation of Life as We Know It * Banned video - EMF- Electromagnetic Field Radiation: Wifi, Cell Towers, Cell Phones, "Smart" Meters (Spy Meters) Articles: EMF: The Invisible Hazard - Epoch Times Series (2023) Video: Why You Should Stop Wearing AirPods (2023) Video: The Problem with Wireless Safety Levels Video: The Untold Story of Our Wireless World - A new understanding of how EMFs affect us. Video: Something Is In The Air - The cell phone radiation documentary Video: Must-See Documentary Reveals the Dangers of Smart Meters Video: International Scientist Appeal on Electromagnetic Fields Martin Blank PhD May 11 2015 Video: Full Signal - The Hidden Cost of Cell Phones * Banned video Websites: "Smart" / Spy Meters Learn about, measure and protect yourself from harmful Electromagnetic Radiation: - Geo-Engineering / Weather Modification / Climate Engineering / Weather Warfare : - Spraying toxic chemicals such as aluminum dioxide and barium from jets in attempts to block sunlight and lower Earth's temperature with man-made cloud cover is causing global dimming, soil contamination, and air pollution increasing diseases like asthma and Alzheimers. Does it make sense to attempt to control weather by spraying toxic chemicals into the air that fall to the ground and waters, poisoning all forms of life? There's no longer any natural weather on this planet. Technocracy control freaks are trying to play god, and all life on Earth is threatened due mostly to climate engineering. Yes, humans contribute to climate change, but geoengineering, for the pretended reason being solar radiation management, is the greatest factor causing destruction of Earth's biosphere. CAUTION: On many YouTube videos about geoengineering - The thought police of YouTube now post a link to a disinformation article titled Contrails claiming geoengineering is a conspiracy theory. On how many other videos does YouTube find it necessary to insert their opinions? RESEARCH AT: Geoengineering Watch - - LISTEN: Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News Free Weekly Podcast Video: Wildfires as a Weapon MUST WATCH FILM: The Dimming, Full Length Climate Engineering Documentary ( Geoengineering Watch ) Video: Presidential Candidate, RFK Jr Interviews Dane Wigington About Geoengineering Online Book: Global WAR-NING! Geoengineering Is Wrecking Our Planet and Humanity Video: BREAKING: Spain Admits To Spraying Deadly Pesticides As Part Of Secret UN Chemtrail Program Video: The Biggest Threat That Nobody Is Talking About Video: World-Renowned Doctor Addresses Climate Engineering Dangers (2019) Video: Chemtrails Haarp & The Full Spectrum Dominance of Planet Earth - Elana Freeland Video: Government Weather Manipulation Exposed - Breaking down the evidence on weather manipulation programs past and present. Video: Conspiracy Documentary 2015 GeoEngineering (This is a must watch) Video: Pilots, Doctors & Scientists Tell Truth about Chemtrails [Excerpts] Watch Films: What in the World Are They Spraying - Why in the World Are They Spraying - Video: Ben Livingston - 'Father of Weather Weapons' explains how he altered weather during the Vietnam War Music Video: Geoengineering Madness - Water Fluoridation = toxic waste disposal and forced medication without patient consent via drinking water Video: Your Toxic Tapwater by Professor Paul Connett * Banned video Article: Fluoride, The Deadly Legacy, by Dr. Gary Null Article: How Fluoride Was Sold to America and How We Bought It - Vaccines = big pharma profits vs. health - Watch Film Trailer: The Greater Good Video: Joe Rogan Interviews Robert F. Kennedy Jr. (The Complete, Unedited Interview - Episode #1999) (2023) Video: Battle Plan To Outlaw Vaccines Released By Famous MD (2020) Video: Robert F. Kennedy Jr's speech on vaccinations at CA General Assembly (2019) (segment starts at 14 min) Article: Lead Developer Of HPV Vaccines Comes Clean, Warns Parents & Young Girls It’s All A Giant Deadly Scam Video: Vaxxed From Cover Up to Catastrophe TRAILER * Banned video Video: Shock Video! Gov. Caught Lying About Vaccine Dangers (2015) Article: CDC issues flu vaccine apology: this year's vaccine doesn't work! (2014) Article: Why flu shots are the greatest medical fraud in history Video: Merck vaccine scientist admits presence of SV40 and AIDS in vaccines - Dr. Maurice Hilleman Article: CDC whistleblower confesses to MMR vaccine research fraud in historic public statement Video: The shocking truth about what's really in vaccines: Mercury, MSG, Formaldehyde, Aluminum * Banned video Video: New Film Destroys Vaccine Hoax * Banned video - Vaccine Fact Sheet Interview with Dr. Sherry Tenpenny, Vaccine Expert: "I would never take any vaccine": Video: Doctor: Flu Vaccine Creating Killer Flu * Banned video Video: Doctor: Troops to be Given Lobotomy Vaccines * Banned video Video: Doctor: Bill Gates Drones to Deliver Vaccines * Banned video Artcle & Videos: Confirmed! Flu Vaccine INCREASES Risk of Serious Pandemic Flu Illness - Bio-engineering: GMOs (Genetically Modified Organisms) - contaminating biosphere; crossing animal species, bridging disease barriers Video: Jeffrey M. Smith: Monsanto, GMO Seeds of Destruction * Banned video Video: What are GMOs (Genetically Modified Organisms)? * Banned video Videos: GMO Ticking Time Bomb - Part 1 * Banned video - GMO Ticking Time Bomb - Part 2 * Banned video Article: Side effects of GMOs - Ask your doctor if CANCER is right for you - Medical Tyranny - Film: Must See Documentary: Pharmaceutical & Medical Industry Kill More than All Wars; Please Circulate * Banned video Film: Science for Hire - A Gary Null Production Film: WAR ON HEALTH - The FDAs Cult of Tyranny Articles: Top ten ways humanity is being murdered in the name of 'evidence-based science': Links to separate articles on: GMOs, Vaccines, Fluoride, Pharmaceuticals, Food Additives, Pesticides, Chemotherapy, Plastics, Cosmetics, Radiation Articles: Benefits of a Vegan Diet - Mental Health - Jon Rappoport: Number One Mind Control Program At US Colleges * Banned video - EVs - Electric Vehicles -Thinking about getting an Electric Vehicle? How expensive are they really? Are they really more environmentally friendly? How safe are EVs? How will EVs effect your Freedom?
In my opinion, EVs are a trap, because the electrical grid will not sustain the proposed huge electrical load demand. They are a means to eventually deny private ownership of personal vehicles. U.S. energy supplies are being cut off by unconstitutional executive orders, power plants are being shut down, and the cost of charging EVs will significantly increase. The goal of globalists, using "climate change", false fear of CO2 and other fraudulent "green" agendas and ESG ("Environmental Social Governance") as the excuse for their tyranny, is control of humanity. They want to centrally control everything: energy, money, food and transportation. EVs will tie users to a centrally controlled electrical grid.
To quote Klaus Schwab, “You will own nothing, and be happy” as part of “The Great Reset”.
Globalists want to make travel prohibitively more expensive and decrease the ability of freedom loving humans to exercise their Right to travel. They'd prefer we stay in cities and use mass transit and not own our own vehicles. Compliant car manufacturers are transitioning to "mobility" companies that will eventually rent-per-ride an EV to you, and are cutting production of ICE (internal compustion engine) vehicles.
They don't respect the sovereignty of the individual, which is the fundamental principle of the Declaration of Independence and our Bill of Rights in the U.S. Constitution. Private vehicle ownership has been and must remain a fundamental means to exercise our God-given Liberty, and ICE vehicles allow us that Freedom of mobility.
Production of EVs consumes more energy and resources than production of ICE vehicles. The battery packs make them much heavier than ICE vehicles, causing more wear on tires and brakes, and those batteries lose efficiency over time and are hugely expensive to replace (10s of 1000s of $$). EVs are dependent on the electrical grid, are impractical for travel, and diminish our autonomy and independence. Globalist controllers prefer to treat us as obedient sheeple, herding us into cities to more easily control and monitor our every move. EVs are a means to that end. I believe ICE vehicles, or other vehicle technologies, can be made which are much more efficient. But globalist controllers have an agenda to allow only 100% electric EVs because we can be more easily controlled if we drive 100% EVs. Toyota has now stopped or decreased production 100% EVs and is selling more hybrid vehicles like the Prius.
If you happen to have your own solar power generating system in your home with enough juice to charge your EV, or live in a state supplying energy from all green sources: solar, wind, hydro, geothermal, it might make sense to own an EV, but the batteries won't last forever. Study links below to better understand the problems with EVs. Eric Peters, auto expert articles on EVs New Study on Electric Car Deaths Shocks the Entire Car Industry This Just Ended Elon Musk’s Future for Electric Cars No One is Talking About Electric Car Deaths, So I Have to New Study Shows Electric Cars are a Scam If You're Worried About Rising Gas Prices, Watch This Is it ethical to purchase a lithium battery powered EV? DATE FOR BANNING ALL CARS MOVED CLOSER
Watch Film: Terrorstorm, A History of Government Sponsored Terror - Article: Nations All Over the World Confess to Carrying Out False Flag Terrorism A Partial List: - 2/15/1898 - Sinking of Battleship Maine to start war with Spain - 5/7/1915 - Sinking of the Lusitania to bring the U.S. into WWI - 2/27/1933 - Reichstag Fire - pretext to repeal Germans’ civil liberties to “protect democracy” - 12/7/1941 - Pearl Harbor to bring U.S. into WWII Speech by Webster G. Tarpley: Pearl Harbor Revisited – From an Anti-Fascist Standpoint - 1962 - Operation Northwoods - proposed plans to justify overthrow of Castro - rejected by JFK - August 1964 - Gulf of Tonkin involving the U.S.S. Maddox - incident to justify Viet Nam war - Operation Gladio - Post WWII, decades long government-sponsored false-flag terrorism to blame leftist groups, discredit democracy, increase tension & fear, justify govt. control - 2/26/1993 - WTC bombing - FBI used informant Emed Salem, supplied him real rather than fake exposives, as Salem had been told it was only a sting operation - 4/19/1995 - Oklahoma City - Watch Film: A Noble Lie Watch Interview: A Noble Lie: Evidence of Govt Staged Terrorism Used on Americans * Banned video - 10/12/1998 - U.S.S. Cole attack - helped rescue Clinton's approval ratings - 9/11/01 - to justify the "war on terror", anti-patriotic "Patriot Act", invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq to control energy resources Watch Film: 911: In Plane Site Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth Video: CIA insider tells 911 truth. Time to re-examine your World-view, America! * Banned video Article: 10 Conspiracy Theories That Came True - When questioning the official narrative proved crucial Article: 10 More Conspiracy Theories That Came True - From a fascist coup d'état to the FBI poisoning alcohol
- Hidden taxation without representation: devaluation of the dollar by the private Fed banking cartel's printing of phony money out of thin air - Violates U.S. Constitution requirement for gold and silver currency, controlled by Congress - The dollar has lost 98% of it's value since the 1913 creation of the PRIVATE "Federal Reserve". This name was chosen to deceive the public. Video: Federal Reserve Banking Cartel - G. Edward Griffin - 2008 - (Intro starts at 9:40) - Read: The Creature from Jekyll Island, by G. Edward Griffin - Read: Dishonest Money, by Joseph Plummer - Watch 30 min. Film: The American Dream - explaining the Fed
ILLEGAL WARS & EMPIRE BUILDING Since WWII, there have been no declared wars as per the U.S. Constitution: - Korea - Viet Nam - Afghanistan - Iraq - Libya - Iran - Syria - Ukraine Wars are fought and perpetuated as a result of brainwashing the People into believing "us against them" mythology such as the myth of the boogeyman Osama bin Laden and al Qaeda. These latest boogeymen were created by the CIA to fight against the Soviet Union in Afghanistan in the late 1970s. The evil bogeymen are required, thus created, in order to play one side against the other to achieve certain geo-political goals and control the minds of the masses. Wars are used to justify taking away rights and liberties in the name of "security". - Read this short book online: War Is A Racket written by Marine Corps. Maj. Gen. Smedley Butler, 2 time Congressional Medal of Honor winner Article & Video: Whistleblower Reveals U.S. State Dept. Ships Arms Directly to al-Qaeda - Obama the CIA-Trained War Criminal - Video: Insider: CIA is Purging The U.S. Military in Globalist Coup * Banned video MOVIE: JFK to 911 Everything Is A Rich Man's Trick YouTube: "This video has been removed for violating YouTube's policy on hate speech." Video: Obama Orders Children Murdered Video: Drone Strikes - Obama Advisor Justifies Killing Innocent 16-Year-Old Israeli Occupation of Palestine: These films by Jews expose the truth about the history of Palestine and ruthless history of the state of Israel: Video: Life in Occupied Palestine Video: An honest Israeli Jew tells the Real Truth about Israel * Banned video The U.S. pays between 3 - 5 billion dollars per year to support Israel's apartheid against and ethnic cleansing of Palestinian Arabs, and brutal occupation of their ancestral lands. Many who claim to be Christians, ignorant of what the Bible teaches, have been brainwashed by U.S. corporate media and politically "correct" politicians into believing it is their patriotic duty to support Israel. The following article explains why Christians need not support the state of Israel: Opinion: Heirs of God's Promise: Spiritual Israel, Not Physical Israel Article: It's Time to Speak the Truth Abount Ukraine Videos: GWM3 Analysis w / Matt Bracken
THERE'S A WAR ON FOR YOUR MIND - Thwarting of the 1st Amendment by the military industrial complex/corporate-controlled, press-titute media: ABC, CBS, NBC and their local affiliates, CNN, Fox, MSNBC, NPR ("National Pacifier Radio") Music Video: Weapons of Distraction - Corporate-controlled media = propaganda, deception and diversion from the most important news. They'll tell you some truth, but not all of it. - Use of divide and conquer techniques to pit Americans against each other: false left vs. right paradigm: democrat v. republican; black vs. white; christian vs. muslim; heterosexual vs. homosexual, male vs. female, masker vs. anti-masker, etc. instead of covering the most important issues of the day which affect all Americans as listed on this website. Article: Meet the Medical CIA - by Jon Rappoport Article: The unanimous News conforms - by Jon Rappoport Article & Video: Sharyl Attkisson on Media Bias Artwork: Stop the Hate - Divide and Conquer Article w/ Videos: Media Control: You Are Not Getting The Truth Video: CNN Exposed! Caught Producing "State Sponsored News" in Bahrain * Banned video Video: Huffington Post Censors Blogger on Syria * Banned video video: MSNBC Host Caught Lying About Watertown Martial Law * Banned video Video: MSNBC Guest Who Attacked Infowars Exposed Video: MSM Takes Fake News To The Next Level * Banned video ATTEMPTING TO DIVIDE & CONQUER AMERICA: BLACK V. WHITE, A DESPERATE MSNBC ACCUSES ALEX JONES OF BEING RASCIST Video: MSNBC Plays Race Card: Ignores Obama's Drone Killings * Banned video Article & Video: MSNBC Blames Boston Bombing on “Deeply Racist” Alex Jones Article & Video: Alex Jones Responds to MSNBC’s Defamation Article & Video: MSNBC Attempts to Connect Hate Groups to Alex Jones Article: 10 Conspiracy Theories That Came True - When questioning the official narrative proved crucial Article: 10 More Conspiracy Theories That Came True - From a fascist coup d'état to the FBI poisoning alcohol - A democratic republic by We, the People requires free flow of information. Peoples have been subject to false propaganda throughout history. The Renaissance and Protestant Reformation were all about breaking free from the tyranny of secrets kept by ruling elites. Many died for translating the Bible which had been forbidden to commoners. Little has changed. Alex Jones is the latest example of a truthtelling trailblazer being persecuted by those such as MSNBC and their White House controllers who attempt to dumb down and mind control the people. Article: Reasons To Delete Facebook - Video: Monopoly: Who Owns the World? - a Documentary by Tim Gielen - Video: Alex Jones Live At The Georgia Guidestones: Birthplace Of The Great Reset - CONVERGENCE: The inescapable explanation that connects all world events unfolding now… can you handle the cosmic truth? 12-21-2018 by: Mike Adams - Watch These Films by Alex Jones: The Obama Deception, Fall of the Republic Invisible Empire: A New World Order Defined (Directed by Jason Burmas) - 40 min. Video: New World Order: Blueprint of Madmen (Full Length HD) CAUTION: On many YouTube videos about the NWO - New World Order - The thought police of YouTube now post a link to a disinformation article claiming the NWO is a conspiracy theory. On how many other videos does YouTube find it necessary to insert their opinions? MOVIE: JFK to 911 Everything Is A Rich Man's Trick YouTube: "This video has been removed for violating YouTube's policy on hate speech." * Banned video
Since the false flag of 9/11/01 Watch Films Free Online: Police State 4: The Rise of FEMA Endgame: Blueprint for Global Enslavement - U.S. military and government leaders are real terrorists - Brainwashing and fearmongering against alleged bogeymen “terrorists" such as the CIA-created al-Qaeda - 2nd Amendment Links - Separate web page on Crime Statistics, Death by Govt., Founding Fathers Quotes, histories of gun control, psych drugs as cause of mass murder VIDEO: Retired Marine Colonel Warns of Pending Police State * Banned video - Obama & Congress have gun grabbing agenda * Banned video VIDEO: Founding Fathers vs. Anti-2nd Amendment Protesters at NOVA Firearms - Founding Fathers vs. Gun Control: 2nd Amendment = The Original Homeland Security System - Thomas Jefferson quotes on the right to bear arms - Army Manual Outlines Plan To Kill Rioters, Demonstrators In America - Iraq and Afghanistan - training camps for troops to enforce tyranny in U.S.; testing grounds for military tech like drone aircraft; 30,000 drones will fly over U.S. spying on Americans violating 4th Amendment; military used to protect poppy fields for illegal govt. drug trade - Anti-patriotic "Patriot Act" - Anti-habeas corpus legislation - Assaults on demonstrators - Free speech zones - 4th Amendment violations of privacy, illegal searches & spying: cell and computer cameras, emails - MIAC Report - disinformation to brainwash police that patriotic Americans are potential terrorists - DHS spy on neighbor campaign: "see something, say something" - Government surveillance via modern appliances: washers, refrigerators - CIA Head: We Will Spy On Americans Through Electrical Appliances - Secret Renditions & Torture - Guantanomo - recruitment camp for terrorist leaders - 2nd Amendment violations - proposed anti-gun legislation Video: Illegal gun confiscations in New Orleans after Katrina - Fast and Furious - govt. shipped guns to Mexico to blame 2nd Amendment - NDAA - Illegal arrests of U.S. Citizens without due process of law - SOPA and IPPA are attempts to kill internet freedom - Obama’s National Domestic Security Force - Clery Response Teams - company execs as govt. Infragard “Agents" - 501C3 Churches for tax exemption muzzle their pastors & serve 2 masters * Banned video - Churches misinterpret Romans Chapter 13 on submission to government Video: 26,000 Pastors for Martial Law Continuity of Government This video was made private? Watch Alex Jones’ Films: Police State 1, 2, 3 & 4 - The Rise of FEMA
I am a non-denominational follower of Jesus and a former Seventh Day Adventist. These are some Notes formerly posted on Facebook before I deleted my Facebook account. See Article: Reasons To Delete Facebook The 16th Century Protestant Reformation was about the people ending the tyrannical, counterfeit Christianity of the established Catholic "church". People were persecuted and mind-controlled by that system of "fake news" of the Middle Ages until after invention of the printing press eventually allowed people to copy and read the Bible for themselves. Knowledge of the Bible is the basis for true liberty that led to the Renaissance and the truly progressive, classical liberalism of Western Civilization. Knowledge of the Bible is the basis for the American form of government. - Abraham & Isaac - Bible Truth is Sufficient for Real Faith - “THE FORCE” That Destroys Tyrants - Heirs of God's Promise: Spiritual Israel, Not Physical Israel - Video: Trump, Gaza, Israel, and Prophecy! Doug Batchelor (Amazing Facts) - 02/07/2025 - Book of Daniel - Similarities to Islam: Freedom v. Totalitarianism - Overview of how Catholic Faith contradicts The Bible Bible Truth Website - Amazing Facts 24/7 - Amazing Facts TV -
Understand Islam: As a Christian, I do not hate Muslims or any other human being. I wish to free them from the tyrannical system they were raised in. But Islam is incompatible with the U.S. Constitution and Western Civilization because it is not only a religion, but a totalitarian political movement designed, according to Isamic texts, to replace Western Civilization and true liberty with Sharia law, which is an all-encompassing system prescribing all aspects of life under it's own authoritarian government, ie., no freedom of religion, no freedom of speech, etc. Sort of sounds like where this country is already headed, does it not? That is because Islam is compatible with authoritarian / totalitariam systems: socialism, communism, fascism, monarchies & oligarchies, which is why tyrants like it. - Article - Islam was Banned from the USA in 1952 but You're Not Supposed to Know It! Videos - Political Islam Website Video - Political Islam YouTube Channel Videos - Playlists for Numerous Aspects of Islam - Video - Bill Warner PhD: A Comparison of Violence in the Bible & the Koran - Video - The Truth About Slavery: Past, Present and Future - Video - Bill Warner, PhD: Jihad vs Crusades
Governments are the REAL terrorists. Governments killed 262 million civilians in the 20th Century Death by Governments: Democide - 40 min. Video: New World Order: Blueprint of Madmen (Full Length HD) Creating and perpetuating a boogeyman enemy is how governments keep us fearful, thus accepting of endless wars to fight the "enemy" and destruction of our rights in name of "security" . Al Qaeda was created in 1979 by the CIA and is now allied with U.S./NATO forces to overthrow countries such as Libya and Syria. Even "mainstream" media admits this fact.
Research any of these issues by going to and using their search engine. Watch Alex Jones' Films for FREE in Hi-Def at Terrorstorm - *banned video
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