Reasons Not to Support Harris


Kamala Harris on Issues - From her website -




1 - “Vice President Harris will make affordable health care a right, not a privilege by expanding and strengthening the Affordable Care Act”. MARKET ISSUE. NOT A FEDERAL ISSUE.


2 - [She’ll] “build the industries of the future while creating high-quality union jobs in the electric vehicle and battery supply chains.” MARKET ISSUE. NOT A FEDERAL ISSUE.


3 - “She will strengthen public education and training as a pathway to the middle class.” PUBLIC EDUCATION = MARXIST EDUCATION. NOT A FEDERAL ISSUE.


4 - “Vice President Harris cast the deciding vote on the American Rescue Plan, which made historic investments in the care economy. As President, she will fight to lower care costs for American families, including by expanding high-quality home care services for seniors and people with disabilities and ensuring hardworking families can afford high-quality child care, all while ensuring that care workers are paid a living wage and treated with the dignity and respect they deserve.” MARKET ISSUE. NOT A FEDERAL ISSUE.


“As Attorney General, Kamala Harris won tens of millions in settlements against Big Oil and held polluters accountable.” THAT WAS APPROPRIATE AT THE STATE LEVEL, AS PER THE 9TH AND 10TH AMENDMENTS.


5 - “As Vice President, she cast the tie-breaking vote to pass the Inflation Reduction Act, the largest investment in climate action in history.”HOW CAN CONGRESS PAY FOR THIS WHEN IT’S OVER $35 TRILLION IN DEBT? NEED TO STOP OUT OF CONTROL FEDERAL SPENDING THAT IMPOSES DEBT ON FUTURE GENERATIONS. END FEDERAL RESERVE.


6 - “Vice President Harris’ fight for our future is also a fight for freedom. In this election, many fundamental freedoms are at stake: the freedom to make your own decisions about your own body without government interference; the freedom to love who you love openly and with pride; and the freedom that unlocks all the others: the freedom to vote.” NOT A FEDERAL ISSUE.


7 - “And as President, she’ll always defend the freedom to love who you love openly and with pride. In 2004, she officiated some of the nation’s first same-sex marriages and as Attorney General, she refused to defend California’s anti-marriage equality statewide referendum. As President, she’ll fight to pass the Equality Act to enshrine anti-discrimination protections for LGBTQI+ Americans in health care, housing, education, and more into law.” NOT A FEDERAL ISSUE.


8 - “She’ll ban assault weapons and high-capacity magazines, require universal background checks, and support red flag laws that keep guns out of the hands of dangerous people” WOULD BLATANTLY VIOLATE THE 2ND AMENDMENT


Other Reasons Not to Support Harris


If Harris had any integrity, she would have resigned when Biden mandated biowarfare against human beings with the Trump death shots. Trump and Harris should be prosecuted for crimes against humanity, along with Fauci, the governors et al who went along with the covid fraud. See:


With the Biden Administration, Harris supported the invasion of millions of illegal aliens across our southern border promising them free stuff.


She strongly supports the absolute “right” of women to murder their unborn babies. She prosecuted and persecuted David Deleiden, the man who exposed Planned Parenthood’s trafficking of baby body parts.


She supports U.S. funding of the war in Ukraine and Israel’s indiscriminate genocide of its neighbors.


A vote for either Trump or Harris will be a vote for a mass murderer, making you an accessory-after-the-fact to his or her crimes against humanity.


The best thing in 2024 would be for nobody to vote for either Trump or Harris. That way, whichever of them is installed would have no mandate, and our current presidential election process would be exposed for the fraud that it is.


We are supposed to have, according to our founding documents, rule by consent of the governed. It would be a loud WE DO NOT CONSENT! to our corrupt POTUS elections.


So if you vote for either Trump or Harris, you will be saying, “Yes, I consent to this false choice between two unprincipled, oath violating traitors. Both are guilty of crimes against humanity: bio warfare experimentation on humans. Both have gone along with the globalist’s agenda to depopulate the planet.


The best we can do is on the state or local level. DC, the District of Criminals, is occupied territory and must be defied. Florida Governor DeSantis recently rebuked Harris’ comments about hurricane damage, and he defied the feds and/or FEMA by sending FL National Guard personnel to NC.


That's the ticket: nullification and/or defiance of unconstitutional federal agencies: FEMA, NIH, CDC, EPA, FDA, Education, Energy, etc.,and their regulations or rules pretending to be "laws", unconstitutional executive order dictates, unconstitutional "laws" passed by Congress, or unconstitutional opinions of the U.S. Supreme Court deemed to be “the law of the land”, eg. Roe v. Wade, which was properly overturned because it is not a delegated federal government power to determine when life begins.